Monday Sep 20, 2021
”Undoing: UnDiluted - Freedom From Idolatry” - Pastor Chuck Ammons
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
In God’s design of humanity, He placed three foundational needs: the need to be LOVED, the need to be GREAT, and the need to be SATISFIED. For too many years, followers of Jesus have seen these as ‘dangerous’ or ‘carnal’ desires to be avoided, but it is what we DO with these desires that makes all the difference between idolatry...and identity! In this message, Pastor Chuck shares how Jesus Himself comes as the fulfillment of our heart’s greatest needs, and offers a clear path to walk not only free…but loved, great, fulfilled, and completely unDiluted in our pursuit of God!
Monday Sep 13, 2021
”Undoing: Unadulterated” - Pastor Erin Arruda
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
God is faithful, even when we aren't. Our Father has called us to intimacy with him. And he has called us to sexual intimacy with our spouse. In this message, Pastor Erin shares her story of unfaithfulness to God which led to unfaithfulness with her spouse. But that is where God's scandalous grace met her, purified her and her relationships. Told through the story of Samson, hear how Jesus is the stronger man who defeats our enemies, and in his goodness and mercy, creates a sweet feast from the wreckage. Only our powerful God writes stories like these!
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
”UnDoing: Sexuality (UnBlemished)” - Pastor Chuck Ammons
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Everyone wants to be Loved. Wanted. Seen. Enough. But wherever we fail to receive our sufficiency from God, we will look to fill it somewhere else. And there is no greater arena our misplaced longings have shattered us than our pursuit of romance and sexuality. In this message, Pastor Chuck shares his own journey of freedom from a decade of hidden sexual sin, as well as God’s path to sexuality as the sacred gift God always intended! God didn’t only come for our sexual freedom…He came for our fullness! May God release both in your life, your marriage, your family, and your legacy today!
Monday Aug 30, 2021
"Unveiled and Unashamed" - Pastor Chuck Ammons
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
The foundational root of sin is pride. The foundational fruit of sin is that we hide.” In this message, Pastor Chuck shares how pride seeks to keep us from the life Jesus eagerly extends to us today and how shame desires to become a broken window through which we see the world without even knowing it. There is a thief, but Jesus has come and He already un-did the thing that seeks to be our Undoing! Are you ready to be free of Insecurity? Striving? Hiding? Shame? It’s time for the next chapter of your redemption story to be written!
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
“What You Dwell on Develops You” - Pastor Chuck Ammons
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
In Christ, we have been set entirely free to a life of hope and victory and union with our Father…and a life marked by the joyful partnership of running with Him to invite the world to come home! If that’s really true, why are do so many followers of Jesus feel they are trudging through mud — not thriving, but just surviving? Could the Gospel really be that simple and that available from the present circumstances and broken relationships and mess you find yourself in? In this activation, Pastor Chuck shares how to shift from living as a victim, orphan or consumer to one of unbroken union with our Father, realigning where we choose to dwell from and what we choose to dwell on!
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
"Waking Up" - Pastor Chuck Ammons
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Have you ever been unexpectedly awakened from a dream? Most times, it is a scary or unsettling thing, but there is another kind of unexpected awakening. It’s like Christmas morning, or one of the early days of your marriage where you open your eyes to realize that what you’d hoped for is really yours and today, it is HERE! That’s the kind of awakening Jesus holds for us today. In this message, Pastor Chuck calls us to step out of the realm of HOW or WHAT we’re doing to the incredible promise of who God calls us to wake up and BE: Dearly Loved Children and Imitators of God. If you’ve ever wanted to know God’s love and see His presence pour out of you, but feel you keep trying and failing, this message is for YOU! Wake up, dearly loved one. He’s got an adventure to go on WITH you today!
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
"Rise and Shine: Dump the Dirty Clothes" - Pastor Erin Arruda
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
The Church is not a thrift store. We can’t dump our junk or sell it to the unsuspecting. We often fail to think how dumping our sin is damaging to someone else. When we clean out spaces in our hearts and lives, what are we making room for? We don’t need to fake it or have it altogether. We simply need to go to our Father, who is the waste management company. He removes our sin as far as the east is from the west. As believers, when we remove something, it is to make room for something better. And for us, there is nothing better than grace through faith.
The Church is a repair shop. It’s filled with artisans and craftsmen who are skilled to restore those who have been burdened by the junk and sin. Therefore we must choose to evaluate ourselves by the faith God has given us. (Romans 12:3) It is more valuable than gold!
Goodwill article: https://apnews.com/article/sc-state-wire-health-coronavirus-pandemic-philanthropy-lifestyle-f2d83c7d78fadb074a016bbdec618a23
How It’s Made: Gold